Sunday, January 31, 2016

Portraits of Tamar

I don't want her to become focused on her looks so I make sure to compliment things other than how she looks, but SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I love that smile. --Victoria

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Playing Blocks with Grandma Susan

Aaron's mom, Susan, visited us a few weeks ago and enjoyed playing with all the kids. Check out the three photos -- Daniel had been coughing and (although it's blurry) you can see that Tamar was patting his back.


Friday, January 29, 2016

What Benji is reading these days...

Just a snapshot to give you an idea of some of the books he's reading these days (easy chapter books and graphic novels). These are at the top of his reading level, of course.  --Victoria

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Puppet Theatre!

My friend Liz helped Tamar and Daniel work on their puppeteering skills.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Benji sets up a village

Benji used Tamar's new dollhouse along with the Fisher-Price village and schoolhouse to set up an actual village around the road-and-racetrack carpet. Tamar and Daniel thought this was a great idea! I love it that Benji helps them learn and sets up fun things for them to play with. He's a wonderful big brother.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

More Holiday Playdates

Aaron's high school friend Yousef, his wife Sarah, and their three boys are frequent guests at our house, so it sounds funny to call their visits a 'playdate." Their middle son (in yellow in the top photo) just turned four, but their youngest son (n the following photos) is very close to Tamar and Daniel's age -- just 5 months younger. That age gap feels smaller and smaller as they get older. I love it that our kids get to hang out with a gang of other kids all the time.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Mickey Mouse winter hats

These hats were their Hanukah gifts from Benji and they love them! Tamar sometimes insists on sleeping with hers.  --Victoria

Friday, January 22, 2016

Giant Lego Starship In Progress

Benji continues to love the Lego kits he received for Hanukah. One of them had over 1000 pieces and both of the large sets were very complicated! He builds them by himself with an occasional request for parental help (usually for holding a piece together while he adds something, rather than for deciphering an instruction). This boy loves to build!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Post-bath Mirror Art

After getting wound up and excited in the bath, Tamar and Daniel like to wind down by doing some scribbling on the bathroom floor-length mirror with "window crayons" that wipe off with a damp cloth. Fortunately, they also enjoy the actual cleaning process--especially Daniel.
