Friday, September 30, 2016

Victoria, looking fancy

Now that the weather is cooling off, I've been wearing longer sleeved shirts to work.  Earlier this week, I came downstairs wearing the outfit pictured below (minus the necklace).  Benji was impressed; he said, "Mommy, you look fancy.  You're wearing a man shirt!"  Then he quickly reassured me, "but I mean, you look good."

That's my sweet and crazy boy.



Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fun times at the zoo

Last Sunday, we went to the zoo.  The kids loved the section with farm animals!  Their favorite part of the zoo was the area right next to the prairie dog habitat -- it was a series of tunnels that allowed the kids to pretend they were prairie dogs.  Aaron became a "prairie wolf" and pretended to chase them into the tunnels.  There was MUCH squealing and laughing.  When we decided to move on to the next area, all the other kids were very disappointed.  --Victoria

P.S.  A fashion note -- I realized after taking the photos at the end of this series that the elastic in the waistband of Daniel's shorts has completely worn out (as you can see from the photo!).  Those shorts are no longer with us... 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Clean Up Time!

I have told Benji that I'm 100% fine with him convincing his siblings to help him clean up as long as he's not being mean about it.  Daniel is much more willing than Tamar, unsurprisingly.  In these photos, they are using my favorite parent "hack"--a toy rake, which is very useful for scooping up large messes.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Daniel battles the Dark

A few nights ago, Tamar and Daniel were getting ready for their bath.  Daniel looked out the window and the following exchange ensued:

Daniel:  Mommy, iss DAWK?  iss DAWK?

Victoria:  Yes, it's dark outside.  It's night time.

Tamar:  I don't like the dark.


V:  Daniel, what are you doing??  Why are you roaring like a lion?


V:  You're scared of the dark?


In other words, he was scaring the dark away because Tamar said she didn't like it.  I LOVE how he takes care of his sister!

The next night, they were going to bed and the blinds in their room were open.  Daniel was sitting near the window sill and asked me to close the blinds, so I did.  Then he smacked the blinds with his hand and announced, "I SPLAT de dawk!" then quickly added, "Sowwy, dawk."

This make me laugh every time I think about it.


Monday, September 19, 2016

Sunday Park Fun (part 3)

At the end of the visit, Daniel decided he would help push Tamar on the swings.  I love how sweet he is to his sister.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sunday Park Fun (part 2)

Benji kept pretending to fall of the swings as a joke.  What a silly boy!  Daniel found a friend to run around with and play soccer with.  Tamar just loved the big-kid swings.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

New Scooters!

The scooters are gifts for Tamar and Daniel from Victoria's parents.  They chose the colors themselves: Tamar chose purple and Daniel chose green.  Benji "tested" the scooters for them this afternoon before we picked them up from daycare, then we had a "scooter and picnic party" at the rec center playground

Monday, September 12, 2016