Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Camping Weekend with Benji in Vermont!

Benji and I went to Vermont this past weekend with friends from my dance group, to participate in a major dance festival that happens every year.  Benji met some friends his age who are children of dancers I know from other groups, and decided that he likes folk music and dancing.  Hooray!


Here's the tent we borrowed from a friend.  Tents are MUCH different than they were when I was a kid!  There were so many cool features.  Now I want a tent.  😊

This was the field we camped on, with a large communal tent for gathering (and protection from rain) in the middle of the field.

At the end of the weekend, the participants do a Maypole dance.  We couldn't join in because we were trying to beat the traffic home (which we managed to do!)

Benji, asleep in our tent in the morning.

Hanging out with his friends and watching some folk dancing.  He asked me why I hadn't brought kit (the team costume) for him.  Next time!

Watching the dancing with his friends.  Minutes later, he put down his toy and started busting out some great moves!  He just couldn't contain himself; apparently the music really spoke to him.

Pretending he is scared (he was not scared at all, in reality).

Playing Crokinole in the main hall with a headlamp flashlight (you never know when the lights will go out . . . )

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Team Car Cleaning

My latest project has been getting the kids to help around the house more with chores and generally being more helpful and independent.  Last weekend, the car was a total mess when we got home after visiting friends, so I told the kids we were going to clean it up as a team, and that whoever did a good job would be rewarded by getting to use the Windex spray and wash the windows.  Benji used the mini-vac, Daniel used a broom, and Tamar used the duster.  They were all extremely motivated by this prize and each did a great job.  Benji worked the hardest and was allowed the extra-special privilege of washing the OUTSIDE windows as well.  He really got into it!  Unfortunately, I only got a photo of Tamar hard at work with a duster (assisted by Minnie Mouse) because the early use of Windex spray required a high level of supervision to make sure it only went on the windows and not on seats, carpets, or eyes.  The car looks much, much, nicer now.  --Victoria

Weekend Visit to Friends (part 3)

The kids were full of energy after our walk, so Kyle put them to work, digging a hole . . .  and filling it in.  They were very excited about this project (and gullible, apparently).  Kyle also gave them each a lesson on the care and maintenance of the tools they were using.  Daniel, in particular, really appreciated this.  --Victoria

Friday, May 26, 2017

Weekend Visit to Friends (part 2)

Laura showed the kids lots of different types of plants and flowers.  Benji was excited to find a ladybug on a daisy!  --Victoria


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Weekend Visit to Friends (part 1)

Last weekend, we visited friends who live a few hours south of us in Virginia.  They bought some land a couple of years ago then designed and built their dream house (fortunately, it turned out better for them than it did for Mr. Blandings!)  We had a very fun visit and enjoyed a tour of the garden and surrounding area.  They kindly baked a cake for my birthday and topped it with icing and strips of home-made candied lemon (it was DELICIOUS).



Monday, May 22, 2017

Happy Friends!

Ronan (the son of Bev and Ben (Ben is Yousef's brother)), Tamar, Daniel, and Eamon (Yousef and Sarah's third son).


Monday, May 15, 2017

Cuddly Daniel

Lately, Daniel has been all about the cuddles.  He's still got "toddler pronunciation" so when he asks for a cuddle, it comes out as "cuddoow."

A few days ago, I was getting ready to drive the kids to school and daycare and I said, "kids, I'm going to get the car and I'll be back in two minutes."  Daniel said, "Mommy, after you leave, when you come back, I will give you a nice cuddle."  It sounded like he was being a parent encouraging a kid to finish a task quickly (in the vein of "if you finish your vegetables, I'll give you a nice dessert")  He's so adorable!
