Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Camping Weekend with Benji in Vermont!

Benji and I went to Vermont this past weekend with friends from my dance group, to participate in a major dance festival that happens every year.  Benji met some friends his age who are children of dancers I know from other groups, and decided that he likes folk music and dancing.  Hooray!


Here's the tent we borrowed from a friend.  Tents are MUCH different than they were when I was a kid!  There were so many cool features.  Now I want a tent.  😊

This was the field we camped on, with a large communal tent for gathering (and protection from rain) in the middle of the field.

At the end of the weekend, the participants do a Maypole dance.  We couldn't join in because we were trying to beat the traffic home (which we managed to do!)

Benji, asleep in our tent in the morning.

Hanging out with his friends and watching some folk dancing.  He asked me why I hadn't brought kit (the team costume) for him.  Next time!

Watching the dancing with his friends.  Minutes later, he put down his toy and started busting out some great moves!  He just couldn't contain himself; apparently the music really spoke to him.

Pretending he is scared (he was not scared at all, in reality).

Playing Crokinole in the main hall with a headlamp flashlight (you never know when the lights will go out . . . )

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