Saturday, April 30, 2011

Benji had a cold... or allergies...

Benji had a very runny nose last weekend, and then developed a low-grade fever during the week. He has been spending a lot of time feeling sorry for himself, getting his nose wiped ("tissue time!"), acting fussy, and watching superhero videos. Aaron has been spending a lot of time feeling sorry for himself, wiping Benji's nose, dealing with a fussy boy, and watching superhero videos. I took Benji to the doctor on Tuesday evening, and he was diagnosed with a cold or allergies, either of which was causing one of his ears to look slightly infected. We came home with a bottle of amoxycillin, and at a follow-up with his regular pediatrician on Thursday, his ears were pronounced clear and healthy. He's still pretty congested and coughing, but definitely on the mend. These photos are from our first trip to the doctor -- you may be able to see how red and puffy his poor eyes were at that point. --Victoria

Friday, April 29, 2011

Love those manners!

Benji is picking up words and phrases very quickly now, and using them so naturally in conversation that it just amazes me sometimes. I asked him if he wanted some animal crackers, and without looking up from what he was doing, he immediately responded: "no, sink oo mommy!"


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sleepy Little Boy

I was at work today when I got the message and attached photos from Aaron:

"I wish you were home this afternoon to see this... I couldn't for the life of me get him to nap, even though he was clearly exhausted. I gave up, went to the bathroom, and came out to this... -a"

After taking these photos, Aaron tried to move Benji to his crib, at which point he woke up, cried for a little while, and eventually settled down to sleep. That's one tired little boy!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dancing to His Favorite TV Show

Aaron and I love watching "The Big Bang Theory," a short sitcom about physics grad students. Benji loves the very catching opening song. --Victoria

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Helping Mommy -- Dusting Edition

They really need to make a swiffer junior. --Victoria