Monday, August 10, 2020

(catching up) Feb 2020 -- Tamar's birthday

This year, the twins had separate birthday parties and we had crafting activities and a pinata for each party. At Tamar's party, the kids got superhero capes and masks and played in the garden then smashed a swan-shaped pinata. Daniel graciously agreed to be "the bad guy" that all the super girls chased.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

(catching up) Feb 2020 -- Daniel's birthday

This year, the twins had separate birthday parties and we had crafting activities and a pinata for each party. Daniel had a dinosaur party and the kids pressed a material like play-doh (which hardened) onto dinosaur skeletons, then they smashed a taco-shaped pinata (not pictured, unfortunately).

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

(catching up) Feb 2020 -- Benji's presentation for Black History Month

For Black History Month, Benji researched and presented information about Henry Johnson, a decorated World War I veteran who fought heroically in France in the first Black U.S. military unit (which were nicknamed the "Harlem Hellfighters" by their enemies because they were such a brave and strong unit). He's wearing two bandages on his arm because that's where Henry Johnson was wounded during the battle for which he is most famous.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (day off school)

Benji worked on a book review of The Harlem Hellfighters (a regiment of black American soldiers in WWI).  Tamar painted a unicorn statue (a Hanukkah gift).  Daniel and Aaron worked on costumes.
