Saturday, August 12, 2017

Daniel's Soccer Class

Last week, they made the kids wear smocks, but the smocks were HUGE and they looked like dresses on all the kids.  The coach makes the class a lot of fun by having the kids pretend that they are feeding dog food (the soccer balls) to their pet dogs (who live in the soccer nets) or that they are birds protecting their baby eggs (the soccer balls) from a bad giant bird (the coach, who pretended to "fly" around the field and they could only protect their "egg" from him by doing a "ball control" move when he came near -- it was a brilliant idea and also hilarious).

Despite looking silly in a huge smock, Daniel was a great listener, followed the coach's instructions, and had a great time, as usual.  --Victoria

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Bath Smiles

They've recently started to announce that they are "swimming" -- don't you love those beautiful smiles?

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tamar does it "her OWN self"

In this case, putting Band-Aids on bug bites.  --Victoria

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Benji took Aaron to a Nationals ball game

Benji completed a reading challenge through the public library and the prize was two tickets to a Washington Nationals baseball game!  He took Aaron and they had a great time.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Art by Tamar and Daniel

Artwork by the kids, labels by their daycare teachers.  I am particularly fond of the "self-portraits."