Saturday, September 8, 2018


Tamar and Daniel are signed up for soccer this fall and this morning was the first day.  Benji came with us and helped out, including giving demonstrations of what the coach was asking for.
If you click HERE, you'll see a video of Benji demonstrating dribbling a soccer ball, and then Daniel following him.
In the picture below, Benji is in the blue shirt, passing the ball along to Tamar.

In the picture below, Benji waits his turn while Tamar demonstrates just how BORED she is (it was temporary).

In the picture below, Daniel is on the right in the orange shirt.

In the picture below, Tamar is on the left, in the pink shirt.

Before we got there, Tamar complained long and loud that she didn't want to go to soccer and she didn't like soccer.  Once we arrived, she was the best listener and participated the most!  She did a great job.

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