Monday, July 10, 2017

Visit to David & Roxana (part 3 of 4 -- petting zoo!)

David and Roxana took us to a drive-through petting zoo that was AMAZING.  So many animals stuck their heads into our car...  Benji even got to pet a giraffe!  --Victoria

Daniel amused himself by making faces while we waited for our turn to drive through the petting zoo.

The animals appreciated Daniel's enthusiasm.

I think this is an emu.  Super creepy bird, in any case!  Roxana thought they were cute.

This guy was like a toll booth guard.


According to all the animals we met, no one had fed them ALL DAY.

Everyone we met was HUNGRY!

David took this photo when he and Roxana took Daniel to the stables before the drive through (Tamar and Benji wanted to stay in the air-conditioned car at that point).

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