Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Funny Baby Story (by Aaron)

So I was changing Daniel's diaper this morning. I had the diaper down on one side of me, Daniel was laying on the floor, Tamar was a few feet away. While I was getting Daniel out of his PJs, Tamar crawled over to me, picked up the diaper, and handed it to me. Now, this is a game they like playing, so I said thank you, and put it back down. Well, she picked it up and gave it to me again, so I said thank you, and put it back down. She picked it up a third time, and pushed it at me. I put it on the other side of Daniel.

She crawled over there and, with what can only be described as a very... patient look on her face, picked the diaper back up, and gave it to me. So finally I took the diaper and just held it in my hand until I was ready for it, which made her happy again.

Then she crawled off, and slowly started dragging the box of wipes over to us...


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