Thursday, January 30, 2014

Things Benji Eats!

Benji is usually a pretty typical 4.5 year old and claims he despises food that he's never tried.  We don't make him clean his plate but we do encourage, bribe, and occasionally manipulate him to at least try a few bites of something he hasn't tried before -- which often ends up with him deciding that it's delicious (or at least okay).

A few nights ago, we had take-out Indian food from a new place on H street with our friends Nate and Katherine.  There was a delicious selection of food, including numerous very mildly-spiced vegetable dishes.  I made Benji a plate with some naan bread (which I know he likes) and a selection of other choices.  He took one look at it and said "YUCK," which was quickly reprimanded (you don't have to eat it, but you're not allowed to say "yuck").

A few minutes after we all sat down to dinner, Nate observed that Benji had completely polished off the curried chick peas!  We were all pretty impressed.

Last night, we had baked salmon, broccoli, and quinoa for dinner and the same thing happened -- before we realized it, there was no more quinoa on Benji's plate!  He declined a second helping of quinoa but ate most of the broccoli and was easily convinced to try to salmon, which he decided was okay.

Culinary hope springs eternal!  Of course, he does tell us that he wants to be a really good cook one day, "just like Daddy."  I love that.


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