Saturday, July 19, 2014

T-Ball Practice

Benji and I sometimes practice in the park after school or on the weekend.  The babies came along (and were parked safely behind a tree) but were apparently exhausted from sitting in their stroller while we practiced.  --Victoria

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Photo from May (Bus to School)

Benji rode the bus to Sela and I would often take the babies to the bus stop to pick him up.  His friend Lucas also rides the bus and also has a baby brother (Nicholas, 3 weeks older than our twins), so there would sometimes be three babies waiting for the bus to arrive.  One day, the bus got a flat tire just before it pulled up to our stop.  --Victoria

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fourth of July Friends

Our friends Jessica and Ross Chapman visited from Pennsylvania on the Fourth of July weekend, with their sons Jonah (10) and Ari (4).  Benji and Ari had a great time, particularly at the Yards Park "pool" (which is only 10" deep).  In this photo, they're taking a break from swimming to eat sandwiches for lunch.  --Victoria

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Spotty Mommy

Benji does art projects at his summer camp.  A few days ago, the children decorated images of themselves, which were then put up on the wall in the hallway at the rec center where the camp is held.  I asked Benji to show me the image he made.  Here it is:

When I saw this, I asked him why he had spots.  He said, "Mommy, it's YOU, and you have RACECAR PANTS...  and you have spots because...  you're sick.  But you have a cool nose!"



Friday, July 11, 2014

Things Benji Says (crazy brain!)

Aaron and Benji were playing hide and seek with two stuffed toys.  Benji got over-excited and hit Aaron with the stuffed toy he was holding.  Aaron was surprised and said, "Benji, we don't hit--what were you thinking??"  To which Benji answered:

"I don't know... I don't know what I was thinking - my brain was being a little bit crazy! And I forgot to tell my brain to start thinking!"

Crazy indeed.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Things Tamar Does (No More Tummy Time!)

Tamar has decided she's no longer interested in Tummy Time.  Having the advantage of being strong but wiry (unlike Daniel, who is strong and very chubby), she has learned to roll herself over onto her back.  She can flip from her stomach to her back faster than I can turn her onto her stomach again.  I guess Tummy Time is over!  She seems to enjoy sitting up more anyway, although she still needs support.  -Victoria

Friday, July 4, 2014

Things Daniel Does (Gargle Yelling)

Last night, Daniel discovered that if he makes a sound while he's lying down and there's still some liquid in his throat, it makes a funny noise.  Basically, he discovered gargling.  So he spent about 20 minutes amusing himself by LOUDLY gargling for 3 or 4 seconds, then belly laughing at himself, then gargling again, then laughing at himself again.  I couldn't keep from laughing with him.  Tamar seemed patiently bemused.  --Victoria