Thursday, June 27, 2013

Longwood Gardens

Every year, we gather with friends at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania for a BBQ and tour of the gardens.  This year, it was as wonderful as ever.  More photos in the days to come!  --Victoria

P.S.  I'm loving my new camera -- thanks Aaron!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

a bumpy weekend

Benji slipped and hit his forehead this weekend (right between his eyebrows), requiring a "just to be safe let's get you checked out" trip to Urgent Care.  The doctor checked him out fully and assured us that he seemed to be fine, but advised us to wake him up every three hours that night, just to be safe.  He has been perky and absolutely normal ever since -- but he's got a colorful shiner developing.  --Victoria

Saturday, June 8, 2013

More Preschool Commencement

This is the certificate that Benji received:

and these are the photos taken at the beginning (left) and end (right) of the school year.  Notice the little bunch of clover flowers clutched in his hand in the second photo!  I have been the happy recipient of many such bouquets when I pick him up from school lately.  Fortunately, they are the perfect size to fit in a shot glass.  --Victoria

(I love that sweet, lopsided smile)

(who loves his mommy???  a boy who brings her a hand-picked posy of flowers every day)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Preschool Commencement

Benji's class had a "commencement" ceremony to celebrate the great year they've had together.  The parents sat in tiny chairs while the children filed in (to the classic graduation music) and sat on the carpet in front.  Then each child came up to the podium in turn and the teachers played a slideshow that showed a photo from the beginning of the year, a photo from right now, and a list of information about the child.  Then each teacher shook hands with the child and he or she received a "graduation certificate."

Benji's announcement was as follows:

"This is our friend, Benji Moshiashwili.  He has worked hard and learned a lot this year.  His favorite color is yellow and his favorite food is cheese.  His favorite preschool activity is 'centers.'  When he grows up, he wants to be:  a man."

He was very proud of himself, as you can see from the photo below.  I was very weepy.  Where did my baby go?  I'm so proud of my big boy.
