Monday, March 26, 2012

Playdate at the Preschool Playground

The preschool lottery is over and Benji will be attending Ludlow-Taylor Elementary School, the wonderful school that is two blocks from our house. Some of the parents at the school organized a Sunday afternoon playdate at the school's playground, for incoming students and their parents. I took Benji and we met some of his future school friends and their parents. He had a wonderful time and enjoyed climbing on some of the playground equipment and jumping on the numbered squares painted on the ground. --Victoria

Friday, March 23, 2012

Occasional Nap (Sleeping with Daddy)

Although he always resists the idea of a nap these days, he's unable to resist the lure of "sleeping with Daddy" in the late afternoon. I sometimes come home from work to find them like this. --Victoria

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun in the Park (part 2)

Sometimes, sharing isn't as good an idea as parents make it sound. Benji decided that this little girl should share her toy car with him at the park, but she had other ideas... --Victoria

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Return of the Blog -- Fun in the Park

Sorry for the long blog silence. We were in Puerto Rico to attend the wedding of Aaron's cousin, then I have been very busy at work and with my dance group since our return. However, the weather has been GORGEOUS for the past week or so, and we have been spending a lot of time at the park with Benji. He's getting really agile and much more confident about climbing and using the playground equipment. --Victoria

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dance Tour: Pub Stop

My friend Brad is teaching Benji how to enjoy a pub stop. Either that, or Benji is about to win at a card game...


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bubble Bath

Sometimes Benji tries to eat the bubbles in the bathtub. Sometimes he ends up with a bubble beard. --VM