Monday, May 23, 2011

That Can't Be Comfortable (part 4)

Really. How can that be comfortable? --Victoria

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mega Blocks

Sometimes the train table becomes a blocks table. --Victoria

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Potty Time with Books

Benji LOVES potty time. He seems to be unaware that it's meant for anything other than removing his diaper and reading a book. Sooner or later, I guess he'll find out... --Victoria

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Little Man on the Move

Running to see the buses at Union Station. Benji says "see them! see them! hello buses!" --Victoria

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Drinking From a Travel Mug

I just LOVE this outfit -- the hat and sandals are so cute! --Victoria

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Things Benji Says

Lately, he has started saying "kwidid!" which means "quit it!" -- I have NO idea where he picked this up. He also says "stop it" which is less annoying. When I leave the house in the morning, he sometimes sees that I'm going and says "No, Mommy, no! Stop it!"


Friday, May 13, 2011

Benji's latest obsession

Benji's latest obsession is puzzles. He is particularly fond of the puzzles with vehicles that's in the first photo. We started by taking out only a few pieces, until he learned how to put sections together. Now he clamors for "school bus pieces" or "airplane pieces." He's working on it when I leave in the morning, and when I get home at the end of the day, he runs to the top of the stairs to greet me: "Hello Mommy! Big rig pieces!"

A few nights ago, we went to Toys R Us and got him more puzzles. He was one ecstatic little boy the next day.

He also likes to talk to himself (or to the puzzles) as he's working on them. "Turn, turn, NO. Wiggle, wiggle, NO. Car piece not fit. Turn, NO. School bus WHEELS. Wheels here. Hooray!"


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Things Benji Says

Benji has taken to asking questions.

Last night, he asked, "Mommy, doing?" (which means, "Mommy, what are you doing?")

As we were out on our evening walk, he kept stopping abruptly, throwing his arms wide, and saying, "Oh No! What happened?" I had to keep saying, "Benji, I don't know -- apparently nothing happened, except that you stopped walking." I think he's just practicing asking the question. :)

I love watching his language skills develop.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Things Benji Says

Lately, Benji has sometimes been calling Aaron by his first name, pronouned "Awon" -- Aaron doesn't like this AT ALL and insists that Benji call him "Daddy." Benji never calls me "Victoria" but he does call me "Mommia" which I think is adorable. This morning, he called me "Mommio" which is even funnier. --Victoria

Friday, May 6, 2011

The doctor says he's perfect!

Perfectly average, that is. Which is perfect in my book. Benji just had his two-year checkup and "well-child physical" and was measured and weighed and tracked. He is 34" tall and 26 lb, 3 oz, both of which are slightly under the 50th percentile. He was off the percentile charts for cuteness, of course. --Victoria

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things Benji Says

During our walk this evening, Benji informed me that there are "too many cars." We weren't on a busy street so I'm not sure why he felt that way, and he didn't explain. --Victoria

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another Magic Moment

I caught Benji's cold last week, so we were both sick, then both recovering together, and taking turns having coughing spells. I was holding him on my hip when I had one bout of coughing, after which he gently said "you 'kay, sweetie?" and started gently patting my back. I can't even express how strange, magic, and full of wonder that moment was. My sweet little boy, who I've always taken care of--for a moment, he was caring for me. He's a person. --Victoria