Friday, January 23, 2015

Babies are Stupid (by Aaron)

So I was feeding the kids breakfast this morning. I made some eggs for them, which Daniel ate with gusto. Three minutes later, I was making my own breakfast when I heard him howling for me.

He clearly wanted more food, but his plate was covered in bits of egg. Realizing that he couldn't eat the small little bits the way they were - "eating" for Daniel defined as "shoveling handfuls into his face as fast as possible" - I scraped them into a big pile for him.

He gave me this look - this awed, totally amazed look - that said "Oh my god, my daddy is a magic man. He just made eggs for me to eat where there were no eggs before." I don't think I've ever seen that look on a baby's face before.

Babies are stupid.


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